Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Patanjali Gives Immediate Solutions first, then Ultimate Enlightenment

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Patanjali Gives Immediate Solutions first, then Ultimate Enlightenment


In this discourse taken from latest Patanjali Yoga Sutras, Paramahamsa Nithyananda talks about how people forget their immediate problems and aim to solve ultimate problems. Patanjali is a master who gives immediate solutions which leads to ultimate solution - enlightenment

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Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Patanjali Gives Immediate Solutions first, then Ultimate Enlightenment


Practice, Psychological & Physiological Mutation, Surrender and More

In this powerful exposition on Patanjali Yoga Sutras, Paramhamsa Nithyananda describes the first sutra (aphorism ) of Sadhana Pada (Chapter on Practice). He describes Tapas (penance) is great detail in terms of psychological and physiological mutations. He further talks about surrender in greater detail and narrates a beautiful story of Tirunavakkarasu (one of the 63 Shaivite enlightened saints) and his depth of surrender.

Link to Video:

Link to Audio

Nithyananda On Yoga Sutras- Practice Psychological & Physiological Mutation