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What is a “Pattern”?

Any cognition you make out of unawareness and incompletion, which comes back to you again and again in some form or the other, is a pattern or “samskara”. Cognition is an idea, perception, understanding, opinion, or statement you create inside yourself. If you look in, you will see, your life is nothing but a bunch of patterns. From waking up in the morning to working in an office, to interacting with people, to going to sleep, most of your actions are carried out in a pre-programmed manner. There is very little space for Life to happen to you because you define the boundaries of your life with your patterns.

You start defining your life with your patterns.

For example, if you feel you lose your patience very quickly, that is a pattern. If you feel you have stage fear, that is also a pattern. If you feel you always fail in everything you do, that is also a pattern. Anything that stops you from expanding and making progress in the inner world or the outer world, is a pattern.

You are Not Born with Your Patterns

Please understand, when you are not born with a certain pattern, it means it is created inside you. Anything created can be changed. One of the biggest problems you face is, “I understand what is right and what is wrong, but I forget and do my own thing!” This is the one statement I hear from everybody every day, “I understand what is right and wrong, but when it comes to actions, I act as per the old patterns.” Now you can destroy the old one and create a new pattern. But constantly, for years and years and years, you go on cribbing – “No, I know what is right, what is wrong. But I cannot do, I cannot look, I cannot understand, I cannot change..!”

A small story :

One guy during lunchtime in his office opens his lunch box and says, “Oh God, today again the same potato, brinjal, and tomato rice.” Anyhow he eats it. The next day, again he opens his lunch box and starts crying, “Same potato, brinjal, and tomato rice!” All his friends are really worried now. The third day again he opens his lunch box and exclaims, “Oh God, same potato, brinjal, and tomato rice!” His friends started asking him, “Your wife doesn’t like you? Is there any fight going on between you and your wife? Why is she sending you the same food every day knowing that you don’t like it?” That fellow says, “No I am not married. I cook for myself.”

Buddhi – intelligence – means knowing clearly, “Anything I created I can destroy and create something new.” Every time you think, “I cannot, I cannot, I cannot”, you are giving strength to your ignorance. When you say, “I can, I can, I can”, you are giving strength to your buddhi. Clearly recognizing that your patterns were created by you, and can be destroyed, is acting from the buddhi.

Discover your root-pattern. Discover the pattern on which, pattern based on which you cognize your whole life. Discover the pattern on which your consciousness functions. When you discover your root-pattern and complete it, only then your life starts; only then your life begins.

I have seen in my own experience, so many of human resources are wasted without discovering and completing with the root-thought-pattern. I tell you before I helped my sannyasis, my ashramites to discover their root-thought-pattern and complete, we had hundred people, but only ten people’s work was getting done! I am not even talking as the Head of a sannyas organization or spiritual organization. I am talking to you like a boss of an ordinary social organization, any company, any industry. Once I helped my sannyasis to discover their root-thought-patterns and complete, I tell you, the same hundred people now are delivering work which will be done by thousand people! Of course, I am not going to be satisfied with it; that is different! I am not going to be relaxed about it; that is different! I will continue, continue, till each one becomes equivalent to thousand!

I tell you, even to make your organization more productive, not to waste the human resource, help them to find their root-thought-pattern and complete it. It is literally like upgrading yourself from Windows Ver.1 to Windows Ver.8. It is literally upgrading yourself!

I will give you a very simple procedure that anyone can use to find your root-pattern:

Remember the earliest incident that happened in your life which has imbalanced you thoroughly; means, which made you feel powerless, cornered, shattered. It may be at the age of three: your mother just made you sit on the dining table so that you will not be playing around, harassing your brother, disturbing your sister. Or it may be a small incident: your younger brother refused ice-cream, did not give you the candy. It can be even that simple an incident. But, the first time you felt powerless in your life, try to dig out the earliest incident you remember you felt powerless in your life. Dig up that incident.

Relieve it as if it is happening now. Bring the past to the present.

And during that incident,

1. what did you think about yourself, 2. what did you think about life and others, 3. and how you decided to project yourself to others.

Just these three, just these three. That’s all! If you discover these three statements, you will see your whole life is just a reprint of that three statements!

Your whole life is the reprint of just these three statements. Your life is not a newspaper as you think. It is the same book, continuous different editions. Not even a revised edition. Same book reprint! What you wrote the first time when you felt powerless, is your fate. But, fortunately, is not written by Brahma; it is written by yourself; so, it can be erased. That is the good news you have! That is the good news you have!

If you are running any company or industry, if you are a Head of a team, I tell you, first help your team find their root-patterns. That is the best help you can do to them and to you. You will save so much of your time! So much of your time will be saved! You will have so much of life!

I tell you, continuously enrich every human-being to find their root-pattern and complete it, because it is the survival need, it is the basic need! We will offer this as a service to the world. Let’s offer this as a great service to the world. It is time we help people to find their root-pattern and complete it so that they taste, they taste Jeevan Mukthi, Living Enlightenment! They taste Jeevan Mukthi, Living Enlightenment!

Look! Discover! You will see the same root-pattern is repeating itself again and again in your life. It is time you complete the root-pattern and get out of it; you heal yourself and get out of it. When you heal your root-pattern, you will see life completely the way you never imagined! You never imagined! Life will be completely new, a new experience! I tell you, only then you will have the strength to be a Spiritual Activist.

Only when you completed your root-pattern, you will be able to help others to find their root-pattern and complete it. Only then your life will be filled with Spiritual Activism. The purpose of human life is Spiritual Activism. I can tell you boldly, the purpose of any human-being is Spiritual Activism. Don’t even ask me individually, “What is the purpose of my life?”! Now itself I answered this question once for all! Spiritual Activism! purpose of all human life on Planet Earth is Spiritual Activism.

Complete with all your root-patterns. Complete with others and help others to find their root-patterns.