September 17 2016

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The Matrix - Q&A on AUM, Maya, Cosmic Law, Time Shaft, Sadashiva

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I welcome all--of you, with my love and respects. I welcome all the devotees disciples, Samadies, Satsangies Sri Mahants, Mahants, Kotaries, Tannedars, everyone--- sitting with us--- all over the world, through-- Nithyananda TV, FB Live, YT Live, to view Video conferencing, Having NainaDeeksha I welcome all of you--- with my love and respect.

I'll answer some more questions on --the sacred secret-- Science of third Eye Awakening --Yesterday all the-- Inner Awakening Volunteers had Jnana Ajana initiation --And the-- manifestation of the power session ---

Today they will again continue to have more sessions and -- more process --Let me answer your questions on ---third eye.

Rani Lyer asks : Nithyanandam, Swamiji. In the exercise to classify the entanglements with Existential reality and Matrix, where do I place my children Swamiji ? Is our connection with children considered existential if they are young, under 18 ? After completing the exercise, I see that I am mostly in the existential realm, but have this one strong sense of loyalty towards the child.

Rani let us be very straight --It is not --It is not-- even though-- you would love to have that-- marked under existential reality. Unfortunately it is not. Surely-- when you give birth you have certain-- responsibilities towards it because the human child is the--most vulnerable. No other baby, no other animal’s baby-- needs so much attention.--

If the cow give birth to the calf, the calf may need maximum-- a week attention. Any other-- animals species. If you see, the babies don't need so much attention but---Unfortunately the-- human beings, still the age of 7, physical, physiological, psychological---till the age of 14, physical and physiological. So I should put it in this way : till the age of 14 psychological and physiological not physical, and till the age of 21-- at least psychological. He may not need a physical and physiological but psychological. Attention and support is needed-- for the human babies-- so---It's a commitment you take within the Matrix. As long as you are inside the Matrix, you are expected to --be integrated to the commitment you took inside the Matrix. Once you are out of the Matrix, the whole commitment takes will be irrelevant. It's irrelevant. Even if your are inside the Matrix after 21 if you continue to do, you are called possessive. Even if you are inside the Matrix don't continue, which is not required.

I have seen many kids getting suffocated by the love of their parents--- Suffocated by the love of their parents. Don't do that. And same way,-- as long as you're inside the Matrix ---this commitment is ---your integrity relevant you have to do but- it is under the Matrix. It is not methodology for liberation. It will no way liberate you. It is a commitment you took within the Matrix, you have to play it, to maintain your integrity because ---you gave birth. Rani, sorry but what I said is truth. Next

Sri Nithya Mangalatmananda, from Bengaluru Adheenam Asks : Is listening to celestial sound OM is related to higher dimension, or is it also possible we also have a third ear which activation only can give us this kind of experience ?

Actually that is something called 7;38?????? sound which is not created, sound which is not generated. So OM comes under that category. There, there's no such thing as third ear, but you listen, though your consciousness without using both your ears. Next

SurekhaRAdhakrishmanasks : Is Maya the root cause of wrong decisions in life even when you are secured by the Guru? Does Maya have power over and enlightened Guru ?

So record first thing- Maya is not the root cause of wrong decisions--It is forgetting the decisions you already took. Understand--- This one example: you are dancing, jumping, you move the right leg, you move the left leg, you throw the right leg you throw the left leg, suddenly you come to a posture where-- you push the right leg and raise the left leg. In the same position standing, you try to move the---raise the right leg also which is impossible. You are not able to move the right because you already raised the left. The decision you took already ---raising the left. So now the whole leg is on the right.---You are not able to raise the right because of the decision such you have already took. If you call that as a wrong decision I will not agree. I will only called this as--- forgetting the earlier decisions you made---Nothing is wrong nothing is right --in the life.

That is not the such thing as, you should not raise the right hand, you should not raise the right leg, you should not raise the left leg, no---You are not able to move the right leg and you call that : “OH! I'm in bondage, just two minutes before I raise the same leg-- Now I'm not able to raise--I am trying-- and you sit and trying even to pull your leg--And the whole beauty of the dance is lost. Understand--- Forgetting the earlier decision you took--and calling them as wrong because you feel certain--- suffocation, certain among of a--- choicelessness.

Where you can't make a choice--- It is not because of your past wrong decisions, the choicelessness is because of a choices you took. If you know, because of the Choices you took, you are in childlessness, you can just put the left leg, and raise the right leg that's all ! Or you can relax both of the leg and just jump, raise both the legs that’s all ! Understand-- all ----Maya, is nothing but Forgetting the past decisions you took. Not wrong decisions. Listen -- because you forget the past decisions,you go on blaming your boundage, and you try to find some solution-- Because you are not able to find solution, you call past decisions as a wrong decisions. Please understand, forgetting the contest of a past decision, is Maya.

And --You have a next question Surekha Radhakrishnan : Is Maya the root cause of wrong decisions in life, even when you are secured by the Guru?

First thing be very clear. Guru always secures you, do you procure Guru? Do you procure Him ? No -- How much of-- procurement of Guru has happen inside you ? Find out. He goes on securing you. Goes on, goes on, goes on. Even he can only secure you, not to make you live. Even he can only protect you, Safeguard you but living has to be done by you. More than Guru securing you, you procuring him, Is important. How muchyou procure Guru insideyou ?

Surekha Radhakrishnan, the question you are asking is “ Is Maya the root cause of wrong decisions” Forgetting all your past decisions Is the root cause of wrong decisions-- in life. Even when you are secured by Guru, Guru can secure you but you have to procure Him. If you don't procure Him, He just securing you can keep you alive, nothing more than that. Can Keep you--- without being dead. He can clinically keep you alive. Clinically you can be alive but, only if you procure Him, you can be living. Living.

So the third question : does Maya have power over and enlightened Guru ? - Relax. If he's enlightened, Maya cannot have power over Him. The next question. By same Surekha Radhakrishnan, Next question. Surekha RAdhakrishman asks :

“ In the Drishti Srishti or Srishti Drishti,which triggers which ? Cognitive shift trigger emotion or the emotion triggers the cognitive shift or the desires are the root cause of emotion and the cognitive shift ?  Whocontrols the Maya in the cosmiclaw ?

Too many questions. One by one, one by one. Sureka the bench of confusion you are carrying is layer by layer. Need to beclarified First : “ In the Drishti Srishti or Srishti Drishti Which triggers which ?” Clearly listen-- In Drishti Srishti, Drishti triggers Srishti. In Srishti Drishti, Srishti triggers Drishti. And both are truth in different levels, different places. Some of the Vedanthis try to declare : “both of them are wrong, or one is completely right and one is completely wrong. Both of them are neither right, both of them are neither wrong. In one place, one is right, in other place something else is right.

And--Next question : Cognitive shift triggers emotion or the emotion triggers the cognitive shift. Listen-- When the cognitive shift triggers emotion--It is called delusion. When the emotion triggers the cognitive shift, it is called spiritual practice (Saadana ? )I'll explain, give an example : because you have a cognition at the low inner image, you trigger the same low inner image. Same low emotions like: ma baguette has been stolen, she took away my husband, I will take revenge by taking her husband. Cheap-- slam level ---emotions. When will those cheap slam level emotions will be triggered in you? When you have that --cheap innerimage about you. Understand--- when I use the word Slam I don't mean the living place. I mean-- the way the mind is.

They are-- many people, who leave in slam and great devotees who just-- connect ! With Sadashiva, live with God !I myself have seen---some people in Gujarat, in Villages, In Gujarat villages people who don't have anything other than one small hat and a cow living with Krishna ! Literally. Not only living, just how our Balansants, Gurukul Balasants are able to show you whatever you want in a mirror. I have seen one old lady just by touch --she showed me-- Krishna. Living ! Alive. I actually wanted to go back to the village and ---collect details about that and record it in my autobiography. The old lady who showed--- Krishna to an incarnation-- by a touch ! So slam is not a place it’s a place.

Listen---So if your low cognition is generating triggering emotion It's delusion. And-- by you creating higher emotions, sacred sentiments, the clarity about Cosmos, Ishwara, Jagat, Jiva...and changing your cognition, that is spiritual practice. Whenever --you study about the 25 states of consciousness of-- eleven dimensions, suddenly certain emotions are triggered in you which puts you in higher cognition, at least for next few days. Putting yourself in higher cognitions everyday is the purpose of morning spiritual routine. Yoga, or Kirtan or Puja or Satsang, Pancha Kriya… all this : Yoga, Pancha Kriya, Puja, Kirtan, satsang. All this five Is to put you in a higher cognition. Making that higher cognition as a living reality. As a life. As an understanding.

When higher emotions trigger the cognitive shift, It's called the spiritual practice. When the lower cognitions create, trigger the emotions It's called delusion. I tell you--- you if your cognition shifts, you will never trigger this lower emotions

I've really seen-- people going and biting the dog back. Because it has bitten them. Biting the dog back is not going to heal you. You are going to get into-- deeper diseases. More problems. Biting the snake back Is going to get you out of a poison--- Biting the scorpion back --Is going to get you out of a problem ---Fighting the wife back Is going to get you out of the problem. Don't do this tree. Don’t do this tree.

In front of Guru, in front of wife, never fight. In the-- fight in front of wife you will lose this world (showing finger down) fight in front of Guru you will lose that world (showing finger up). But never have the delusion you are going to win in anyone of this fight.

Listen--- there are many things. If you look at the past-- taking revenge will-- be realise that a waste of time. That is what I call higher cognitions. Cognition about life and the future.

Listen ---Carefully---If still taking revenge, seems very logical and right, You are in Slam. Psychological Slam. If taking revenge does not seem logical ---Living the future seems to be more logical ---Taking revenge looks irrelevant and redundant ---You are raise your consciousness towards life, you are ready for the Upanishad Mantra. ????22:46 Tamul----Renounce and celebrate---live hundreds of years ---Always say yes for life.

That is our Upanishad statement. Anybody who understands this verse, taking revenge will be irrelevant for them. Understand-- Whenever you say yes for life, Kalabhairava takes revenge on your bedarf. Because--- when you say yes for life you become Sada Shiva. Now the Kalachakra, the time shaft, the Kalachakra the time shaft has to-- take revenge. And the people who are--- trying to harm you, try to harm you.

Understand, in your cognition whenever-- taking revenge become irrelevant , redundant and your cognition does not trigger the emotions of taking revenge and violence, because you are looking about the future you are not bothered about the past which is already redundant irrelevant, you are SadaShiva.

I'm not saying people who try to harm you will go unpunished, no---They will actually be crashed by Kalabhairava. Which even you cannot do even if you take revenge. The best revenge is, making the mentality of a the revenge redundant for you. Irrelevant for you.

If--- you can look at the future, and --- hey ! -- Why waste time on this? Buffalos and ??? 25:11 all that---Life is great and so much is available, so much you have to do whenever you say YES for the future. Go on-- with the future --You are really for the great Upanishad declaration of 25;34??? tamul Renounce and celebrate live life say yes to it--- Live hundreds of years Happily by saying YES to life 25:54 ?? Live hundreds of years---Celebrating life.

I tell you the cognition which does not trigger the emotions of revenge--And taking revenge--- Is the cognition where SadaShiva is living. Life is not unjust. It's a pure??? ---Power of---Dharma - just.

Let you make revenge taking consciousness redundant to you, irrelevant to you---By being in the understanding of Sadashivoham, Sadashiva. Kalabhairava is too--- powerful to--- to ---available. Too much powerful, too much available. Let---Conscious and invoking of the-- higher emotions. Change cognitif shift in you. Not the cognitive shift-- triggering lower emotions in you.

Next-- part of the-- question Whatever is present now is past as every minute ooh! That's one more part. Who controls the Maya in the Cosmic law ?

Surekha RAdhakrishnan, this question does not fall under the---secret sacred science, it falls on the --- sacred secret sweet science. It's a classified document. It’s a classified information. Only when you become an ??? insidered ? Can beavailable for you. Who controls the Maya in the Cosmic law ? I can give you a rough answers you try to Understand you, you, you SurekaRAdhakrishnan. You control the Maya in the cosmic law. Understand. At least try to understand

Whatever is present now, is past as every minute the time moves. What's a scale to calculate the past to present or present to future --

Understand --- Scaleless way moving is--- the quality of time. You are trying to make physics out of time, no---You can't make physics out of time. You can only make chemistry with the time. Have a right chemistry in the time. You cannot make physics out of time. If you make physics out of time, you will be dead. If you have a right chemistry with the time you will become biology, alive.

Right chemistry with the time will make you biology. Living. Alive. Trying to make physics out of time, will make you dead.

There are two Museums. Dead Museum, where the antiques are kept, living Museum where the traditions are lived.

I am the Living Museum of Vedic tradition. I am the Living Museum of Vedic tradition. Actually, very soon, people can work in-- to our campus, literally see and taste all the 460 powers Sadashiva-- explains in Agama, taste what is called living--- museum

They will walk into the Welcome Centre, and say that they want to stay for 2 days, the Swami in charge in the Welcome centre will just drow the key from the air and hang it over ---

Please go to your room--- When my Gurukul kids, Balasants take over the Campus and start running, this is the way that campus will be running. You willsee. --- This is the way the conversations will be : the person will come “ I wanted to stay here for--- a week”--- The Balasants will just drow the key from the---tin air and give it to him : please go, this is your room key. Do I need to swipe the credit card ? No, It's already done, you go

Then you will get the--credit card and say : No--- I wanted to stay for 7 days but it is only 3 this right? No thursday evening evening you are going to get an urgent call and you may need to go and attend that, so only--- 3 days you will be able to stay and you’il, you’ll have to come back after that you continuous your stay. Whenyou come we’ll talk, please go on---

I am the Living Museum of Vedic tradition.--- Sangha will be the living Museum of Vedic tradition. Do not make physics out of time---Do not try to make physics out of time---Have the right chemistry with the time. You will become living biology So-- don’t even have this question : “What is the scale to calculate the past to present or present to future, there is no scale. In that dimension, scales don't work, scales don't matter. And matter cannot be measured with the scale of length, breadth, depth, in the dimension of time. It is all together different-- dimension.

So with this, I bless you all-- Let you all rediate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing Living ShuddhadvaitaSaivam. The eternalbliss, Nithyananda .Thankyou. Be blissful

Photos From The Day:

Nithya Satsang

Nithyananda Morning Satsang Nithyananda Morning Satsang Nithyananda Morning Satsang Nithyananda Morning Satsang Nithyananda Morning Satsang Nithyananda Morning Satsang Nithyananda Morning Satsang Nithyananda Morning Satsang Nithyananda Morning Satsang

Photos Of The Day:


Photos Of The Day:



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